Below are some of the best practices which all the .Net Developers should follow:
- Class and Method names should always be in Pascal Case [ The first character of all words is in upper case and other characters are in lower case. Example: HelloWorld ]
public class Employee { public Employee GetDetails() { //... } public double GetBonus() { //... } }
Method argument and Local variables should always be in Camel Case
public class Employee { public void PrintDetails(int employeeId, String firstName) { int totalSalary = 2000; // ... } }
Avoid the use of underscore while naming identifiers
// Correct public DateTime fromDate; public String firstName; // Avoid public DateTime from_Date; public String first_Name;
Avoid the use of System data types and prefer using the Predefined data types.
// Correct int employeeId; string employeeName; bool isActive; // Avoid Int32 employeeId; String employeeName; Boolean isActive;
Always prefix an interface with letter I.
Always use the using keyword when working with disposable types. It automatically disposes the object when program flow leaves the scope.
using(var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { // use the connection and the stream using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { // } }
Always declare the variables as close as possible to their use.
// Correct String firstName = "Shubham"; Console.WriteLine(firstName); //-------------------------- // Avoid String firstName = "Shubham"; //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- Console.WriteLine(firstName);
Always declare the properties as private so as to achieve Encapsulation and ensure data hiding.
// Correct private int employeeId { get; set; } // Avoid public int employeeId { get; set; }
Constants should always be declared in UPPER_CASE.
// Correct public const int MIN_AGE = 18; public const int MAX_AGE = 60; // Avoid public const int Min_Age = 18; public const int Max_Age = 60;
Use // or /// for comments avoid using /* … *
Dont have number of classes in single file. Create a separate file for each class.
Avoid the use of var in place of dynamic.
Do not hardcode string or numbers; instead, create separate file sfor constants and put all constants into that or declare constants on top of file and refer these constants into your code.
Use String.Empty instead of “”
- While working with the collection be aware of the below points:
- While returning collection return empty collection instead of returning null when you have no data to return.
- Always check Any() operator instead of checking count i.e. collection.Count > 0 and checking of null
- Use foreach instead of for loop while traversing.
- Use IList<T>, IEnumrable<T>,ICollection<T> instead of concrete classes e.g. using List<>
Architecture Design Level Guidelines
- Do not access the database from UI pages. Use the data access layer to perform all tasks which are related to the database.
- Try to use design patterns, practices, and SOLID principles.
- Always refer to minified versions of javascript or CSS files, this will reduce unnecessary overhead to the server
- Use Nullable Data Types Whenever Required
int index = 0; // simple declaration of int
int? index = null; // nullable data type declaration
- Use Conditional Attributes When You Need Them
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