SITECORE PIPELINE Profiling Processors

Pipeline: It’s a sequence of processes that executes in a defined order to perform the task into Sitecore. In Sitecore, there is a number of inbuild pipelines and we add our custom pipelines into that.

  • We can change the order of the pipelines as per our requirements.

  • When we write our custom pipelines then it’s difficult to find out on the deployment environment that it's executing or not.

  • To check the sequence of execution there is a good feature provided by Sitecore is the Pipeline Profiler.

  • The pipeline admin page is used to view all the pipeline processors that are defined into the Sitecore and the sequence in which they will execute.

  • By default, The pipeline Profiler page is disabled, and you need to enable it manually.

To enable Pipeline profiling, perform the below listed steps:

  • Add the following key <add key="env:define" value="Profiling" /> to Web.config <appSettings> section.

  • Login into the Sitecore Instance.

  • Go to the Pipeline.aspx page from the below URL:
    • https://{Sitecore Instance}/sitecore/admin/pipelines.aspx

Once you perform the above steps you can find your pipeline profiling page as below:


  • To measure CPU usage during pipeline profiling, set the value of the Pipelines.Profiling.MeasureCpuTime setting to true.
  • Measuring CPU usage adds a performance overhead to the pipeline but provides additional information about the behavior of the processors.

  • % CPU: For a processor, the percentage of total pipeline CPU usage that is spent executing this processor

Definition of the Terms:

  • #Executions: The number of executions of the pipeline or processor
  • % Wall Time: For a processor, the percentage of total pipeline execution time that is spent executing this processor
  • Wall Time: Total wall time spent in all executions of the pipeline or processor
  • Max Wall Time: Wall Time of the longest execution of a pipeline or processor
  • Time / Execution: Average time taken by a single execution of the pipeline or processor (wall time)

Happy Sitecoreing ðŸ˜Š
